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    Fast way to get free chests in LOL (legal)

    Hi, here are my tips for getting free chests in lol in legal way... you may know this things if you have brain.

    As you may know, you can get free chests for playing. Personaly, I didnt get often those, because I dont play good enough and then I had to buy them because I am stupid, there are more efficient ways to get skins and other loots, but I didnt realised... So do not make the same mistakes I made, like: buying keys and chests separated for the little RP ammount... dont waste your money on not efficient offer, just save some money for a while longer and then buy loot, Be careful in what you buy, some chest may contain trash like: emotes, orange esences or champion shards, But if you are looking for a free way to get chests, then these tips are for you.
    There are many ways to get chest for free:
    1. Be good
    2. Be carried by premades
    3. Be lucky and punish some wood divisions
    4. illegal ways (they mostly dont work)

    To be more specific, i wrote down tips and tricks to get them, its not anything special or secret, just experiences and well known things.
    So there are my tips and fastest ways:

    Tip 1: play with premades, this dont have to be only your friends from school or some people who you trust with team voice chat, but the people you add random from friend request and you dont even know them, the trick is that if they play better than you and can achieve an S, it will give you chest even tho you got worse than S, If you know that you are not able to get S, then support your premade who has the potencial, it doesnt mean you have to be support role, just dont kill steal and let them grab those kills, it will may be unsatisfying, but the reward is promising. 

    Tip 2: Play Arams!
    Arams 5v5 games are one of the fastest way to get S, because you dont have to care much about the map and objecitves and you dont have to care much about cs, all you need are kills, assists and damage. It may be difficult to get champ that you own If you dont own too much of them, or champ that you dont have avaiable chest on, however with good luck and champion rerolls there is a chance to get S, I personaly use this way, because it seems more easy for me.

    Tip 3: Play supports! 
    This tip is for those who can´t achieve an S on anything cause they are just noobs... so that means for you. Dont get me wrong, support roles are not easy... they require a brain in your head... and not that big blood lust. The thing is that you dont have too much to screw up in this role, because enemy team will focus most on weak points like adc´s and for threats like midlaners... If you want easy win then play some Morgana who can stun enemies for eternity plus big damage or Malphite who only needs to use R to win teamfight. But be sure to have some support items, its important....
    Its not even that big deal, Just try not to die too much and be sure to support your team and scratch enemies for assists... the more assists you have the bigger is the chance for you to get and S

    Thats all, I hope this tips might help you and sorry for my english xd

    12 may 2020 16:50 1625

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