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    Any experienced article writers around here?

    I believe that I must have submitted my very first review of a game I wished to talk about and yet I have not received any response to it so I wonder aside from speaking with reasonable and eloquence respecting their principles what else should be done to attract their attention and publish your material... I have raked across some of them in the news chambers and what I read was nothing special so I assume the requirements are not that high... I want someone of you who has been doing this for awhile explain some basics and secrets to me please and thanks!

    4 january 2018 01:00 1628

    any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    4 january 2018 01:02 1628

    I wrote and submitted my first article, also about "Adventure with Misty", yesterday. It will be interesting to see how the gamehag staff responds to it.

    18 july 2018 12:46 1628

    me also about Adventure with Misty.. It takes about 2 weeks to be checked.

    18 july 2018 15:36 1628

    Flower, when you posted your article? As luka said, it takes a while for them to verify it

    20 july 2018 17:19 1628

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