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    How it works

    All the isues in v1.0

    1- it's laggy more that it was in early access . 2- you can't change the map that you want to play and it sucks big time . The loot in the new map is so rare that you loot a village you will have lvl 1 vest helmet backpack and a shotgun or a win 94 orrr a Bibi gun and a dude will land in a smale house in a hill will find lvl 2 mybe 3 loot and an M4 or a scare with a scope X2 X4 and f#%k you up 3- the parachute. you to a building you will go flying let's not talk about the HP

    27 december 2017 11:20 2269

    thanks for mentioning the issues amar

    13 october 2020 06:53 2269

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