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    Opinion on gears

    i find them obsolete now considering almost no front page games use them. they use the backpack, and include weapons, tools, devices etc, but the actual gear from the catalog they rarely use them. even so i believe they can serve a real purpose in the future if roblox makes a good decision.

    25 april 2020 08:16 2173

    so yeah they were already useless to begin with

    25 april 2020 08:28 2173

    except for the coils the coils were great

    25 april 2020 08:29 2173

    i agree most are just useless. i still think theres room for improvement tho. i wouldve said to just delete them but then who knows if theyre ever gonna refund the robux so

    25 april 2020 08:30 2173

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