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    Spamming Forums Addiction (Spamming)

    Hello! This article will be about why everyone spams, comments a forum/article with no sense.
    So everyone has seen a comment that doesn't really make sense... Well.. This is not the only one. In this article, I'm gonna show you spam cases that went too far, or it's so weird that you can't even read that message without a little confusion in your mind.

    Warning: This is my first article, It can have mistakes, grammar problems or FORMAT problems- , I apologize for every mistake I made, I am trying to get better and better by the time!

    Short article:

    What is Gamehag forum/article?

    Alright, so, we all know that Gamehag is a site/app where you can play games for a prize (SoulGems, SG), there is also a FORUM for reviews, chat, looking for a team In a game etc.

    An Article is where you write a LONG text with a short introduction and long content. An article contains a game review, walkthrough by pictures and text, or an informative text , like a guide.

    A lot of articles/forums people post have really much effort but some of them... It's just no content...Just spam

    Do people have a reason commenting on a forum/article with not even a sense?

    So, if you probably have Gamehag for a bit, you saw that some comments are a WAY different topic.

    For example, I wrote my opinion about how to make robux and someone COPIED the text and paste it, so he could get XP. 0vJYQsTkksLpWP1PLM59k5Zw3GeiIw.pngZwpcMxTJibioqqchN85HRwS2kd8PNc.png

    He just literally copied my text and paste it. People think this is really working, yes, you get the XP, but after a while, you lose it. These types of things are considered SPAM. If someone sees a copied text, REPORT IT! Someone puts really much effort into writing his OWN opinion about something UNTIL someone wants to get XP FOR HIM and mess everything up. REPORT IT!

    Or these types of photos that are just disgusting!> 3tQNAi73UAVWcGIp9rdrLBhhEC1vAi.png

    What most of the people want to redeem after they continue spamming, getting XP, making level 3?

    This is a very short ANSWER, I have met a lot of people that said they want ROBUX, well yes, I also wrote a short comment for robux, to get XP, but it was my own opinion and I didn't copy or spammed, just a short and clear opinion.

    People! If you spam you will get your XP BACK! If you just write random numbers and letters, YOU CAN ALSO GET BANNED! You can be restricted for an amount of time, and POOF, you can't write and get more XP! I need to tell you, everyone, if you want XP but you don't want to read or do something, don't even spam, it's not a way to prove something, it's a waste of time. I recommend you READING the title and say your own opinion like ''I didn't play this game before, but after reading this forum/article, I think I need to try it.'' or '' I played this game and It's the same as you described here, good article/forum, keep it going!''

    This was my short article, It's my first article and I put pretty much effort into it. I promise I am gonna be better day by day just give me a chance, this might have GRAMMAR mistakes or FORMAT probably.
    If any mistakes spotted, you can tell me in comments, I will read them all!



    24 april 2020 19:30 1625

    I just made a Subnautica article the last two days and i put some good time and effort to make a really deatailed article of the backstory of subnautica, and it got denied, and the worst part is that the reason is because of "Obscenities". I rechecked everything about my article, and the grammar was correct, spelling, even no foul words. And i got less confident on making articles, to much effort in waste

    24 april 2020 20:22 1625

    @veggielirious I am sorry to hear that! Maybe because you wrote something and it was a little misunderstood. Never give up! If it got denied try re-posting it again! Don't lose confidence, maybe it was a little mistake. Try changing some words that make you insecure. Never give up! Try re-posting and everything will be alright! Good luck!

    24 april 2020 20:27 1625

    They only spam because they get XP , after they get the XP and reach level 3 use it for rewards.

    25 april 2020 09:31 1625

    Please, stop doing this, you might get XP but I will make sure you lose it.

    25 april 2020 09:33 1625

    Stop it, I will report you!

    25 april 2020 09:34 1625

    Nice article! I really liked the idea.
    If you detect any spam on the forum, please, report it.
    Let's keep our forum spam-free! :D

    25 april 2020 10:22 1625

    nice article

    26 april 2020 09:07 1625

    Thank you! I will lock the thread because many people spam !

    26 april 2020 11:27 1625

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