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    Mad City VS Jailbreak

    Which game do you prefer? For me it's Mad City because it seems to be more interesting because of supervillains and superheroes!

    24 april 2020 13:08 2173

    Mad city

    24 april 2020 13:09 2173

    Mad city

    24 april 2020 13:12 2173

    mad city

    24 april 2020 13:31 2173

    Jailbreak sucks it is very boring and you can only rob banks and capture prisoners in this game. In Mad City you can be Cop, Prisoner, Criminal, Villain or Hero and it's amazing. Also there are boss fights. Only bad thing about Mad City is that graphics are not as good as in Jailbreak :(

    24 april 2020 13:47 2173

    Mad city is better even tough its a copy i perfer it because its more fun!

    24 april 2020 13:48 2173

    I don't really play mad city cause it breaks my phone and my laptop. I play epic minigames or adopt me or freeze tag.

    24 april 2020 13:48 2173

    Jailbreak, as mad City seems like a child took Jailbreak and made it more vibrant, and added cringey knockoff heroes to it. In other words, it seems like a Chinese company took over Jailbreak and made everything offbrand.

    24 april 2020 14:54 2173

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