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    Guys I command 5,10 and 50 robux and just 5 and 10 came but I can't put them into my roblox account because It's a tehnical problem with funds and tue 50 one I didn't get yet and now it pased 20 hours since I command

    I am about to cry right now because bruh please help me!!What can I do to get my robux and if my command don't come in 24 hours I will cry a lot because I work for that soul gems

    20 april 2020 07:35 2173

    It happened to me too. Don't worry, all robux will come.

    20 april 2020 07:36 2173

    It should not take long.

    20 april 2020 07:36 2173

    ?? never happened to me before
    try contacting misty

    20 april 2020 08:06 2173

    I contact mysty and nothing...

    20 april 2020 08:07 2173

    Like 65 robux

    20 april 2020 08:50 2173

    just wait when i first received the robux it told me the same thing and after some time it let me withdraw the robux

    20 april 2020 13:07 2173

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