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    How did adopt me reach 1.615 million visits whatevs

    How did adopt me reach 1.615 million visits

    15 april 2020 17:52 2173

    Cause of the pet update.

    15 april 2020 17:53 2173

    Just dressing pets are like useless. They wont do anything

    15 april 2020 17:54 2173

    I think it's because of the update hype and because of quarantine, more people have time to play video games. Yes maybe it is useless for some people, but it's an update and that's what Roblox players want.

    15 april 2020 17:58 2173

    well I guess its because they update their game a lot and add a lot of items that people wanna check out also YouTubers may have played a role in their success making videos about it and its updates so I don't think its success will slow down anytime soon

    15 april 2020 17:58 2173

    Thats a lot and awesome

    15 april 2020 18:40 2173

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