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    Assasin's Creed Brotherhood - REVEW (spoilers)

         Hi! My name is Adrian and today I'm going to make a revew of the game "Assassin's Creed Brotherhood".
     This game has been made by Ubisoft, continuing the franchise's story of Desmond Miles and Ezio Auditore. Desmond arrives in Monterigione, hiding from the evil templars. In the Auditore Villa, he uses the Animus and the bleeding effect to become a true assasssin. In the Animus, Desmond relives the life of Ezio, the stage being set in Roma, Italy. Ezio was brought here after the attack of Monterigione by The Papal State to end the Borgia family's rule over Italy. Now Ezio must kill Cesare Borgia, the head of the attack at the villa, and stop the Borgia's rule, but first he must kill several targets before getting to him. After the liberation of Roma and the death of Cesare, Ezio takes back the Apple of Eden stolen by Cesare and hides it in the Colloseum. This was the next destination of Desmond. There he finds the Apple, but Juno, one of "the ones who came before", takes control over him and makes him kill Lucy Stillman. After this, Desmond falls into a coma, being left on a cliff-hanger wondering what's going to happen next to Desmond and  the crew.
        This is the story of the game so far.

     Now with the actual revew:

         This game has a very good story and gameplay, introducing new features like being able to call recruits to assist you in battle, new weapons and a new game mode : Multyplayer.  Today, there aren't many players, but you can still play the singleplayer campain. You can renovate buildings just like in AC II, but this time there are items witch you can sell or use them for shop quests. The map isn't as big as in AC II, witch I personally think is a minus to the game. You can even get stuck, forcing you to restart a memory from the beggining, witch can get very frustrating. The game isn't bad, but some buggs are just annoying. As a game, I personally love it, but some people just don't like it for being old and having bad graphics. In my opinion, the gameplay and story are on first place and then the aspect. If I had to recomand it, I would do it  no matter what, cause it's a good very good game for starters in AC games.
        Anyways, this was my revew. Hope you liked it!

                                                                                        revew made by:                                                                                     

    25 october 2017 12:59 1625

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