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Doom 2 is the squeal to 1993 Doom. Doom 2 is one of my favorite game in the Doom series. Lets take a look at Doom 2 and why you should play it shall we?
The Story
Doom 2 takes place after Doom when you return to Earth and see that hell invades it. Now its up to you to stop the forces of hell (again) to save Earth from hell.
The gameplay for Doom 2 is basically the same from Doom. Same Controls, same weapons but theres a new weapon called the super shotgun. The super shotgun is every fans favorite weapon and iconic to. Theres also a new item called a megasphere its like a supercharge but it max out both your health and armor. In Doom the levels is split up into different episodes but in Doom 2 the levels are complied in the game. There is total of 32 levels. The 30 levels are the base games and the other 2 are wolfienstien 3D maps. Theres also a different map but its only exclusive to the xbox version.
All the monsters from Doom return also some new faces.
Heavy Weapon Dude: He is a new family members of the zombie men. He is apparently the most hit scanner enemy in the game and even worse in plutonia. He aint really a big deal for me. Unless theres 50 of them.
Hell Knights: They are barons of hell but a bit weaker also they are recolored barons.
Mancubus: Hes a fat demon with two cannons on its arm and has green eyes. Some people thought that he said "Hump your mom" when attacking you.
Revenant: Hes a spooky skele boy with a chestplate and two rocket shoulder pads. Oh by the way the rockets are guided rockets.
Arachnotron: They are the small version of the spider mastermind but they have a plasma gun instead of the chaingun.
Pain Elementals: If you hate lost souls then your gonna hate this dude. The kinda look like a cacodemon but instead of shooting fire balls they shoot lost souls at you. Annoying right?
Archvile: Oh boy the archvile they are the most annoying demon ever. First they resurrect dead demons then they block you with fire and does a lot of damage and if you played plutonia oh bot they are a pain.
The music for Doom 2 are amazing it has that kinda of techno hip hop to it and rock music too. I must say that Bobby Prince did a good job on the music. My favorite music is Into Sandy City.
How can you play
You can play by buying doom 2 on steam or gog for a very cheap price. Theres also source ports you can use like gzdoom, crispy doom, chocolate doom, etc. I recommend gzdoom because its very customizable and you can play wads but thats my opinion.
So in conclusion
Doom 2 is a good squeal and you should give it and yeah thats it thanks for reading and have a good morning, afternoon, and night.