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    How it works

    So i submitted my task for Crossout and its waiting for verification and they said i should get reward in 48 right but the crossout challenge is there for 4 hours so how long does it take to verify my image ?

    So i submitted my task for Crossout and its waiting for verification and they said i should get reward in 48 right but the crossout challenge is there for 4 hours so how long does it take to verify my image ?

    27 march 2020 19:42 2176

    did u get verified?

    29 march 2020 17:42 2176

    my image was still rejected

    29 march 2020 18:34 2176

    norteo me deja jugarlo y ya puse todo pero se ve que es bueno

    29 march 2020 19:02 2176

    bruh english exist too

    29 march 2020 19:33 2176

    they keep rejecting by screenshot too.. dunno what they want

    30 march 2020 03:58 2176

    YEah, its somthing about the gajin acounts. you need them to play but you cant use the same scount you used to complete other tasks and then they reject it

    30 march 2020 10:03 2176

    but i have gaijin account especially for crossout so

    30 march 2020 11:22 2176

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