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    How do I get a higher rank?

    I won all my placements but still am silver 1 help

    19 march 2020 08:36 808

    win more competitive games

    19 march 2020 09:16 808

    I win everything and am top 1/2 and still am silver 1

    19 march 2020 09:29 808

    Win More Competitive Games And Play Different Maps,Find a Good Team and play different maps

    19 march 2020 10:33 808

    if you want to rank up dont queue solo, play with friends and try to train every day

    21 march 2020 10:48 808

    Play more and dont solo q

    21 march 2020 11:39 808

    ay more and dont solo q

    21 march 2020 13:07 808

    Play with friends and tryhard :D

    21 march 2020 13:18 808

    Find a good team, or play with your friends. It's not enough to play 2-3 games and be topfragger to rank up. You have to win a lot, and play a lot. I'm currently MG2, and I have played a lot just to get up there. I can't really say anything about silver, and what is gonna help you down there because I have never been in silver, but my best advice would be to play with your friends, maybe play some aim training maps and then play a lot. 👍🏼😊

    21 march 2020 17:00 808

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