October 6, 2017 at 01:58 PM
I want to participate in the contest for CS-GO . The rules are simple, you have bet purchase a ticket for 250 SGS and wait for all the 37 tickets to be taken. There is only one winner, he or she will be randomly chosen. Did anyone of you ever tried this and actually won? because I actually have my doubts about this :p I mean, It's designed to suck your SGS , and the result can easily be falsified :/ So, please If you won in any of the contest say so :) Excuse my bad English. Thanks
October 6, 2017 at 02:59 PM
What you say is true I have not done on because of the point you made you never know. But also for the fact that tou are getting a 1 in 37 chance to when idk about you but my luck isnt that good :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
October 6, 2017 at 03:02 PM
Never tried, never will
I'm sure there will be a winner but yes, it's designed to suck SGs (prizes are more expensive as when bought as rewards)
You never know if and when the remaining tickets will ever get sold, you might be waiting forever and until then your SGs just sit 'parked' there
It's as any lottery, you have a chance but the house always wins
If you really want to try, i suggest keeping an eye on that contest and see how quick tickets sell
Then buy (one of) the last ticket(s)
October 6, 2017 at 03:07 PM
LoL 1/37 , I don't think Im that lucky of a gambler.
October 6, 2017 at 04:12 PM
CS:GO is 5500 Soul gems in the rewards section. I say your chances of getting that many soul gems before the end of the contest are far greater. And 1/37? Don't bet on it.
October 6, 2017 at 05:39 PM
so they win more sg
October 11, 2017 at 06:35 PM
To answer your question if anyone has ever tried this and actually won, here's a screenshot from recent discord chat: https://puu.sh/xVtVH/f0d2a97a01.png
I have no proof if this is real or not, but I'm pretty sure most people are aware that Gamehag won't give anything, if there isn't any evidence that proves whether you're lying or not.
October 11, 2017 at 06:56 PM
Actually i answered that one on Discord
The reward (CS:GO) is in the user's inventory as 'being dispatched'
We could assume those prizes are being ordered/treated the same way as rewards. probably "winning" the contest performs some automated attempt to buy a certain reward
Since the user was waiting almost 2 days, i advised him to wait until 72 hours have passed
If the user did not hear or receive by then i advised contacting staff
April 10, 2020 at 07:39 PM
Actually i answered that one on Discord
The reward (CS:GO) is in the user's inventory as 'being dispatched'
We could assume those prizes are being ordered/treated the same way as rewards. probably "winning" the contest performs some automated attempt to buy a certain reward
Since the user was waiting almost 2 days, i advised him to wait until 72 hours have passed
If the user did not hear or receive by then i advised contacting staff