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    Gamehag is dying

    I feel as if Gamehag is dying, not many new tasks.. :/

    5 october 2017 00:26 1628

    Be patient :P

    5 october 2017 00:31 1628

    because you abuse minigames and take 200Sgs from gamehag for nothing in return it can die faster. good suggestion to speed that up :) that means you won't get your next cash out, more you're getting from minigames faster everything will be over because there have to be a balance, every greedy individual have to understand it

    5 october 2017 17:43 1628

    I believe that gamehag earns enough to give you 1 SG per game because of the ads they hold. Of course if you were to skip the ads...

    6 october 2017 13:50 1628

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