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    Counter strike 1.6 Why so famous?

    Counter strike 1.6 a game dated for sure. As a game released in 2002 so old, it runs easily on any modest PC configuration we have in the market nowadays, requiring little video, RAM, processor and hard disk space.

    What CS could have been so compelling to download millions of times? What elements make the game and the franchise the success that exists until the present day? We will explain on this topic.

    Some people may disagree with this item at first glance, but the fact is that the mechanics of Counter-Strike is quite simple. What can be complex are team tactics, but the rules of the game are learned in a short time: If you are from the CT (Counter-Terrorist) team, you must prevent the enemy terrorist team from taking the C4 bomb to the point detonation on the map, or disarm it if they can do that. If you're on the terrorist team, you need to put that bomb on and prevent the CTs from reaching their goal. Learning these rules takes a few minutes. The matches are also more dynamic, and at that time teamwork makes all the difference.

    When the player dies in a CS game, he has to wait for the whole round to end so he can play again. This means that there is no respawn (according to the original rules of the game, as there are always modified servers) of players during matches.

     With this, the player gives much more value to his "virtual" life and tries to be as disciplined as possible to collaborate with his team. This is an element that many love or hate in CS. The respawn time in games like Call of Duty, for example, is something that facilitates gameplay and this does not exist in the game of Valve. A downtime can make it much harder to win unless the remaining players are quite skilled.

     Although CS have short matches, they are repeated for long hours throughout the day. This makes CS an addictive game. The dynamism of the fighting, combined with the work and the team, make this game is played by several groups, and so the community remains strong today.

    For being an old game many have not had the chance to play it yet, but for those who are in doubt, it is worth giving a check, because even if you do not like the experience of knowing something that brought innovation and transformed the generation of FPS it will be very worth it.

    2 october 2017 12:33 1625

    Many thanks to all

    6 october 2017 16:11 1625

    You should get tons of gems from this

    8 october 2017 02:46 1625

    well discussed

    16 october 2017 07:21 1625

    The first FPS I played

    13 november 2017 13:34 1625

    Best game in franchise.

    27 february 2019 14:08 1625

    You should get tons of gems from this

    27 february 2019 15:19 1625

    Now you can download CSGO free

    28 february 2019 12:09 1625

    Now you can download CSGO free omn steam😃

    28 february 2019 12:10 1625

    lol cs 1.6 bot is one of the best of all time when playing on expert

    28 february 2019 14:11 1625

    cs 1.6 have less hackers then csgo and b cos of that it is way better and everyone download it more then csgo

    1 march 2019 22:24 1625

    because we used to play that game on info class

    2 march 2019 02:04 1625

    Because it is the legendary game

    2 march 2019 19:42 1625

    CSGO has the best expert robots

    2 march 2019 20:30 1625

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