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    How it works

    Gamehag is 100% legit

    It may have took quite a while (32 days to be exact) but I've finally recieved my 5€ Steam wallet card. It's unfortunate that the delivery can be this slow, but still, I got enough gems in like 2 weeks which would have been literally impossible for me on any other site like this. If you've ordered a reward that still didn't arrive, just be patient. If more than 30 days have passed, contact the support. They'll help you out.

    19 september 2017 07:09 1628

    I ordered Skyrim last day. 7 week or so is acceptable but whole month is unbelievable. Of course this site give us oppertunity to recieve gift cards etc for doing simple tasks, games and whatnot.
    Still we spent our freetime to get SG's from contracts, games and many other sites that contain adware.

    19 september 2017 08:26 1628

    I've also heard stories of people getting duplicate keys. Not something you ever want to happen.
    But I got moments where I need to wait anyway, so I don't mind wasting some time here and there.

    19 september 2017 12:04 1628

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