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    Phantom Forces Weapon Preferences?

    For all my PF players, what is your favorite gun? Personally, I enjoy the MP7 and the AK12 for their good all around performance with laser and grip attachments, and for secondary I usually use the REX revolver for when the enemy just won't die.

    9 february 2020 00:54 2173

    As for snipers I just use the Remington 700. Good all around performance

    9 february 2020 01:01 2173

    As for snipers I just use the Remington 700. Good all around performance

    9 february 2020 02:01 2173

    Phantom Forces is a really good game but i suck at it.

    9 february 2020 07:13 2173

    I played it a long time ago i now play arsenal

    9 february 2020 07:30 2173

    I also have the chosen one light saber its so cool but it is shiny so enimes can see you from a distance so not very good afterall

    9 february 2020 07:32 2173

    AUG is a pretty good gun too the scope sucks but its okay to use

    9 february 2020 07:32 2173

    The AUG is fine imo, but the mediocre attachments and considerable reloadtime make it more of a chore to use in comparison with the other ARs.

    9 february 2020 07:36 2173

    Aug is a pretty good gun too the scope

    9 february 2020 08:00 2173

    i like as val cuz i very fast gun

    9 february 2020 14:42 2173

    i like the bfg MAINLY because it is a one shot one kill weapon which i really like but the pocket version is kinda better because it is in the second weapon slot and the first one is open for rifles and other stuff

    9 february 2020 14:48 2173

    Hey Pluto, could you please stop spamming? I've already reported you like a billion times

    9 february 2020 23:35 2173

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