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    CSGO Ranking

    Do you guys think its good or bad? Cause whenever I play CSGO i will always get nice win streaks maybe top fragger but not always rank up. Is the CSGO ranking good for you or horrible?

    7 february 2020 21:38 808

    If you are always doing solo-queue, expect your rank to be absolute garbage unless you can play about 3-4 ranks higher than your teammates to outright carry. I used to only soloQ and it usually locked me to S3 or so. But as soon as I started playing with some friends and didn't play with randoms, I made it to GN3 and we are all of comparable skill level. Don't blame your teammates though, because if you really are good enough, you should rank up eventually.

    9 february 2020 00:49 808

    yeah solo queue is pretty bad. you get nothing but random players and it's luck of the draw what the skill level will be of your teammates

    9 february 2020 23:25 808

    very cool right

    10 february 2020 04:09 808

    I think is broken im gold nova 1 and i am top fragger and i destroy my enemy team.

    10 february 2020 06:24 808

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