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    Why my game tasks keep being refused?

    In multiple games, I do what the task is asking me to, always disable adBlock, use the same username, but still refused... I don't get it, what am I doing wrong?

    11 september 2017 03:25 1628

    Those people behind it are probably retarded lol

    11 september 2017 10:37 1628

    Same here

    11 september 2017 16:08 1628

    Dude probably the contracts and games are just scams.just write an article or play minigames to earn SG

    11 september 2017 18:21 1628

    Retarded website takes a whole day for misty to reply.LOL but whatever as long i get free reward XD its fine for me.

    11 september 2017 18:22 1628

    I completed 2 game tasks in my early days here, and had no problem at all, but i'ts been a while since it worked
    I have some other tasks to send, but I'm afraid something will happen to my account if I insist...
    Anyway, thank you guys for the replies.

    11 september 2017 18:28 1628

    I also got refused even though I reached lvl 30 from SAO's Legend

    12 september 2017 12:27 1628

    They will refuse when they don't feel like doing their job properly. I got 3 legit completed tasks they refused. Well fook this ****.

    12 september 2017 12:33 1628

    Just make an appeal, i had to do that 4 times because they refused all of my tasks.

    4 july 2018 03:44 1628

    they refuse every single one of my tasks. and every single time i have to create a ticket through Misty, and every single time my tasks is acceppted after i filed in the ticked.

    4 july 2018 04:00 1628

    so don't worry, you're not alone. if a task gets refused and you sent a screenshot containing the task clearly done, your username (similar to the website's one) and the task bar, you can contact misty and they'll check it again

    4 july 2018 04:02 1628

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