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    Why Gamehag dont give me paysafecard?

    I buy the Paysafecard 5 already 4 days have passed and the gamehag dont give me the paysafecard...

    10 september 2017 15:16 1628

    I have waited up to 10 but i finally got it ;) so chill, its coming!

    10 september 2017 19:36 1628

    can i use this sg gems as virtual money or can i exchange it it crypto currenvy

    12 september 2020 01:23 1628

    You can't switch to cypto currency directly, but you can get the skinjob rewards which gives u a cash value at their site which then lets you get crypto... round about and u lose fees so not a good idea

    12 september 2020 01:50 1628

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