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    Any point of the clans in games?

    What is the point of the "Player made" clans in games, that are not supporting clans?

    So, I'm always playing games where you can't make clans in game. And people somehow are making clans, just by adding the clan's shortened title into their usernames, just for example "(UnknownClan)UC_RANK_NAME" I see that people here are mostly for ruling the games with their clans. I've seen many clans on roblox  too, but the game they were on, was not related to their clan. I mean a Sci-Fi clan, just entering a random Old style roleplay game. But this post is not only related for Roblox. There are other games using things like these clans too. I was playing other games like Mount and Blade, CS:GO and I can can't even count on my fingers how much games I play like these. I see there are alot of people, with clans. Most of them are good and professional players, but when a noob, new player creates a clan, and he has no clue what is it... I absolutely HATE it. Okay... okay.. OOOKAY! I'll tell the truth! I'm a clan leader too! But not the new player type of it! I can say I'm a good leader, but I still don't understand why are we making these.... I think it's because of the nice community.... Defenietly NOT. We just want to rule the game we didn't make! Also I'll tell you about the clans in games:


    Most of the clans are cool and nice, having Roblox groups and other things like that. But the worst thing I've seen is... when someone is making Historical clans... I repeat! HISTORICAL! But they don't know anything about the history... I've seen a clan... a WWII Clan and it was an American clan, fighting against the Britanian Clan... so I was like.. Holy jeeze, you did it man... how the heck did you do it? So these what I can say about Roblox clans.


    Nice community... mostly Russians.. well... Yeah, Counter Strike. These clans are good, helping you to learn some skills, like handling weapons, not swearing in the microphone when you fail something... (This last thing isn't true). But I still like CS:GO clans, and I don't care about the nations. I like when there are multiple nations in one group, so you can learn something from their tradition.

    Mount and Blade:

    No players on Mount and Blade who are not DANK. They are making you to rage, and that's why my clan is here :D. The clans are really really good here. Everyday a good training where you are learning from the better players. I just learnt how to Chamber, and it's so good here! But the bad thing is that most of the MB players are often so dank, making you ragequit.


    So... these are pointless for my eyes. The GMod is the game where you can learn everything by yourself. The only thing these clans are good, is to Roleplay. To be honest, I don't see Clans here very often. But when I see I'm just thinking about what's the point of it... You can't do anything here, neither learning. So that's all I can see here.

    So you guys? What do you think about the clans in games? Do you have any clan, or experience in a clan? If I'm wrong you can freely throw the tomatoes on me, I stand it. I've also wanted to put a free steam key here, but I ran out of the keys lately, so maybe on my next article. Have fun and freely ask! If you need help, here I am!

    Thank you for reading this little article, it was me. Thomas, Nicknames: Tamas, Eukalp, RedFleckBirdy, Raven

    20 november 2019 13:18 1625

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