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    League Of Legends Starting Guide! (part 1)

    Hello guys, Im ShadownWorker
    In this guide, I will show u the basics of the game, which will help you in later playing! Let's start!


    -Let's explain. League of Legends is a Strategy 5v5 MOBA game in which you have to pick your champion, earn gold of killing minions or enemy champions, buy expensive and strong items, destroy the towers and finally destroy the enemy Nexus, winning the game.
    -There are over 140 champions, each one with its own unique playstyle and abilities! Feel free to choose anyone of it, but remember, different champions cost different amount of blue essence, in game currency which u earn by playing daily!

                                                                   SUMMONERS RIFT

    -Summoner's rift is the official map of League of Legends. There are three lanes, as you can see below. The ''T'' mark represents toplane, ''M'' midlane, ''J'' jungle, ''A'' and "S" represent ''AD Carry'' and "Support", but you can just call it bottom lane.
    -Those structure-like buildings represent Towers. We will talk about it later.
    -Nexus is located at the both corners of the team. The goal of the game is to destroy it, but to get to it you will have to destroy Towers and Inhibitors.
    -Inhibitors are avaible to destroy after third tower in the same lane has been destroyed. They look like mini-nexus as you can see. Destroying Inhibitor will grant you access to 5 minute Super Minions! Of course we will also talk about it.
    -Between the lanes is Jungle. Neutral Camps spawn there, and Jungler's job is to take them, earning gold in the process. There are two main objectives, Baron and Drakes. We will talk about that!



    -Minions. Those tiny guys spawn in every lane at the nexus. They go towards the lane till they don't meet with the tower or enemy minions. They grant you gold but only if you land last hit on them.
    -There are 3 types of minions.
    Casters-The weakest in health, ranged but deal most damage. Worth 17 gold 
    Melee's-As the name says, they are melee, deal the least damage but most health. Worth 21 gold
    Cannon-The strongest one. Mix of those two. Ranged. Most health and most damage. Worth 72 gold, with its price progressing as the game goes on and on.

    Thats it for now! Part 2 coming out really, really soon!
                                                                                                By ShadownWorker

    19 november 2019 18:02 1625

    I'm playing this game since 2012 and know pretty much all of this but wow man. U put a lot of effort in here.

    31 december 2019 08:27 1625

    Great article, it really helped!

    3 january 2020 07:53 1625

    same like dota 2

    6 january 2020 12:43 1625

    what is feed?

    6 january 2020 12:43 1625

    Thanks man now i finally understand.

    6 january 2020 15:37 1625

    Never looked into trying it but now it looks cool. Might try it out

    2 january 2023 23:47 1625

    This guy put alot of effort into this guide, never played League Of Legends before but good job.

    3 january 2023 06:39 1625

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