AdminJoshverd: We were unable to migrate accounts from the old Gamehag platform
unranked rank iconMatas Kaminskiene: they reset  the accounts i think..
unranked rank iconWsgGang: came back to this site after 2 years and JESUS
unranked rank iconYobz: Adios Ikkimura :(
unranked rank iconTomasz Kalinowski: Wtf stare konta skasowane?
unranked rank iconRazuflok7: bro what happend to old accounts ?
unranked rank iconHimynameisPaolo: old account died then??
unranked rank iconIkkimura: La verdad es es que me da pereza empezar desde 0. Creo que esto será lo último que escriba aquí :/
unranked rank iconIkkimura: Después del tiempo que dediqué a esta web siendo moderador y que no nos dijesen nada de los cambios... por no hablar de las 18000 gemas que aún tenía
AdminSwirfty: All of the offerwalls are on the main page 
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: when i click on games
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: i see no offerwall tho
AdminSwirfty: Games are still offers
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: So?
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: I completed a challenge inside a game that I shd get rewarded for but I didn’t
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: Not offers
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: It’s the games 
AdminSwirfty: There's a support tab on all of the offerwalls you can click on 
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: How?
AdminSwirfty: You should contact the offerwall's support 
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: Help?
unranked rank iconMohamed Tarek: Guys I just completed one of the challenges in a game but nothing happened
unranked rank iconBober40: maybe code?
AdminJoshverd: Np  pepeD emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconXgreen 0fficial: Alr thanks
AdminJoshverd: Usually just for a few hours
unranked rank iconXgreen 0fficial: How long?
AdminJoshverd: Every offer is held
unranked rank iconXgreen 0fficial: I'm just asking before so I know if you hold it 
AdminJoshverd: I don't see any offers pending for you at the moment



Are there good people on Roblox?

adogewizard avatar


November 10, 2019 at 07:43 PM

Yes there is alot actually like there are just some people who are scums. (Im not one of them) like there are people who try to take advantage of people who trust them like they will just backstab them when they get what they want Im gonna share my personal experience again there on Project Jojo (Jojo's bizarre adventure game) they made up a thing called fusion stands where you can fuse stands together to make the ultimate stand I helped my buddy fuse King Crimson and Killer Queen also known as kc and kq he let me hold his kc and him holding the kq now to fuse you need a fusion mask you need to do Jotaro's qiest behind the school which is very hard it requires stuff like a red aja a vamp mask which is not hard to get and a corpse part that you can get by killing the diavolo boss which has infinite epitaph only some stands can kill it like golden experience requiem and tusk act 4 and over heaven stands once you kill him he will drop a corpse part. Then once you got all the stands you need and fusion mask and corpse part you will go besides each other the person with fusion mask will get the stand you have to drop the corpse part and click fusion mask there is a 1/2 chance to get the stand and if it fails you have to get another corpse part and repair your fusion mask by getting a red aja. But we succeeded and he now has a stand named ironically king queen lma0

adogewizard avatar


November 10, 2019 at 07:43 PM

im obsessed on creating long paragraphs on this website now lma0

Pocom avatar


November 10, 2019 at 10:25 PM

of yourse there are also good people on roblox , expect all those toxic kool kids.

palm21 avatar


November 10, 2019 at 11:03 PM

Dont know dude,roblox is a unknown realm:neutral_face:

Are there good people on Roblox? - General Discussions Forum on Gamehag