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    How it works

    I'm making a Steam Daily Chest Droprate Sheet

    Here it is:


    Not much going on right now since I'm only 5 days in. I have seen a lot of talks about how the Steam Daily Chest only contains 1 and 5 gems it seems, and got curious enough that I decided to create a tracking sheet myself to see if the rate is actually as horrible as I and everyone else have thought.
    But to speed up the process if anyone is interested you can join me. Just create a column next to my name and put your name and drop data in. You only need to do this once if you want, but I would really appreciate it if you can write in daily. The summary table is auto calculated so just leave it there.

    10 november 2019 03:56 1628

    Bumping it up a bit. Also does anyone know any possible drop type I'm missing? I've heard of people getting 50 SG or more from the chest, but not sure if my memory is correct.

    10 november 2019 18:57 1628

    Great idea mate.

    10 november 2019 20:19 1628

    huh. useful. thanks man

    10 november 2019 21:56 1628

    I got 10 soulgems from the chest today ^^ I might be lucky but I seem to get 10sc about once a week or so :) thanks for taking the time to do a rate breakdown tho! thats really helpful

    11 november 2019 01:33 1628

    I don't even know about the chest

    11 november 2019 02:36 1628

    bro, I've been recwinving steam daily chest since 3 month ago and I had more than 90 chests but I never had more than 5 sg, so its better to remove those fake numbers from the chest reward or at least make it fair, being a walking bilboard on csgo for 1 sg per day is jot really cool:(

    11 november 2019 08:17 1628

    Excellent idea, I'll join this for science! From what I recall I mostly receive the 5 SG and 1 SG/rune drops, rarely the 10 SG

    11 november 2019 09:10 1628

    I finished adding all the information from my notification history, I hope you find it useful. 😃

    11 november 2019 09:19 1628

    Crossing 100 samples! 101 actually since I didn't anticipate the return of pqp. Oops. It's not even closed to being conclusive, but looking at the numbers I can guess that the overall rate will hover between 1 and 5 gems per chest. I actually started out thinking that the 1 SG reward will have the highest drop rate, since they are the cheapest option after all, but it's actually lower than the 5 SG reward drop rate so far. That's nice.

    13 november 2019 09:59 1628

    Based on the roulette code I have filled in the remaining options for the chest as a sort of cruel joke.

    14 november 2019 15:25 1628

    Very interesting statistics, but the amount seems somewhat low

    14 november 2019 16:48 1628

    Seems like nowhere is safe, we got hit by the spammers as well!
    Maybe one day we will get one of the rarer drops, I wonder if it isn't a percentage chance, but a number of daily chest opened, for example 365 daily chest opened for 100SG?
    I also think Misty has seen this thread, 3 days ago I received 5SG, 2 days ago 10SG, yesterday 5SG and today 10SG again. They are on to us!

    15 november 2019 08:48 1628

    More people joining in would be nice, but from the look of it most can't even read past the first 3 sentences. Why would you post your result in the comments when I have the **** spreadsheet link right at the top?

    15 november 2019 11:23 1628

    dang, so you can only get 10 gems if you're insanely lucky? that sucks

    15 november 2019 11:28 1628

    Hey, it's not even closed to the idea sample size yet so the rate may change. And 7% isn't that bad either, that means on average you get 2 each month.

    15 november 2019 11:32 1628

    to reach lvl 3 or something just comment or say something thats what my friend always says

    15 november 2019 12:05 1628

    If I havent said it already, i never got more than 5 sg, in 60 days

    15 november 2019 20:35 1628

    how you get so much replies

    16 november 2019 01:21 1628

    happy birthday to her sister with the first lady on Pc today but not so far in arabic as the world was a little different in arabic language than she had seen her as the

    16 november 2019 01:23 1628

    @fomi at what point will we reach ideal sample size? 1000 chests?

    16 november 2019 09:22 1628

    Bumping it up a bit. Also does anyone know any possible drop type I'm missing? I've heard of people getting 50 SG or more from the chest, but not sure if my memory is correct.

    16 november 2019 09:55 1628

    My ID is 600753 and I joined more than a year ago, so to be generous we could set the Gamehag resident number to 1 million. Using a confidence level of 95% with 5% margin of error, the sample size should be a little bit below 400.

    16 november 2019 14:16 1628

    That's good, we can reach 400 a lot faster than 1000 :D

    17 november 2019 11:12 1628

    Thank you the other thing was broken

    17 november 2019 12:59 1628

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