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    How it works

    Steam Chest

    Worth it? There are 6 good games and 4 that you can sell for 400 gems(the chest cost 800) if you don't want them.

    12 august 2017 02:40 1628

    its pretty good

    12 august 2017 03:10 1628

    Maybe I should wait to get 1.500 gems and use the 1500 code and then try with the Steam Chest. After all... I didn't spend money here, I mean, it is still free stuff lol

    12 august 2017 03:15 1628

    you will most likely get runes which you can sell for 5-50G

    12 august 2017 04:01 1628

    not worth it tbh

    12 august 2017 04:08 1628

    Steam chest= Steam Keys. No runes.
    10 keys, only 5 are good games( CS:GO, FIFA 16...) the rest are average games that can be sold for 400 gems or trade it on steam if you're allowed to do it.

    12 august 2017 04:31 1628

    Probably not worth it. You'll probably just get an average game, and you would just have less gems. You can try though, maybe it is possible to win the good games.

    12 august 2017 07:54 1628

    depend on if you want the rest of games i think, but wait until can use 1500 code sounds better, even like what you said all are free

    12 august 2017 09:34 1628

    Yeah, it won't take to much to get 1500. Smart move lol

    Has anyone used that code? What did you get?

    12 august 2017 17:11 1628

    Dude, it's a steam chest. No runes, only games. You can check clicking on the "info" button. I still won't buy it until I get 1500 gems or more

    13 august 2017 01:22 1628

    not worth it

    29 december 2019 12:11 1628

    you will get runes( you can sell them for 1 gem i sell a lot of runes and all have same price ) or rarely steam codes fore a game ( max pirice for that game is 1 €)

    29 december 2019 22:36 1628

    Not worth it in my opinion

    29 december 2019 22:49 1628

    I would just save for a prize, 1500 gems for a steam game that I might not even play sounds a little whack to me at least. If you like playing games and upping your game count then yes, I just don't have that much space on my computer lol

    20 october 2020 00:34 1628

    i think you should save

    20 october 2020 09:39 1628

    I can't get that steam chest from the rewards tab even though I did all of the steps. What do I do?

    25 october 2022 08:23 1628

    lol i like steam

    14 april 2023 00:12 1628

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