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    Counter Strike Crouch Bug + Ideas

    It is in a beta fixed but why wasn't this pached earlier, it has existed for a long time.

    By just crouching and jumping while releasing crouch midair you would land silent and see over things while anyone on the other side could not see you. This has been around since the game was made and is only now seen to be huge? How does it only pop up now. This must have been used before but not in big enough events or games to be exsposed for them to take the time to patch it.

    What if the steam broadcasting was integrated with twitch so you could steam to Twitch with the steam broadcasting feature and it would be built around Steam itself being able to make a Twitch accout with Steam and an Email. Integrating Steam with Twitter as they have with Facebook would be cool and with other media types. Expand upon the YouTube to Steam Video feature as well. In-game features could be exspanded upon as well in many ways. 

    Steam should add the steam customizer as a built in feature that can be used through steam as a workshop or something like it.
    They have been working on the store page so much it is great now.
    The community tab can no longer search for groups from what I found and I hate it. 
    Valve should work with ESEA/Faceit as apps that allow XP and act like normal Match Making.

    8 august 2017 14:47 1625


    3 august 2019 21:09 1625

    привет всем

    3 august 2019 21:12 1625

    hay po nana

    5 august 2019 13:22 1625

    nice good work

    5 august 2019 13:23 1625

    lolo ko poge

    5 august 2019 13:24 1625


    8 august 2019 07:45 1625

    пожалуйста, мне нужно сейчас

    8 august 2019 13:17 1625

    Good work

    8 august 2019 16:40 1625

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