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    No SG for minigames?

    I just did my new Record in flappy cat, above 40 points and still didn't get a single SG....

    1 october 2019 10:16 1628

    it's uesless mate , you will only get 1 sg every 40 points , go for app zone or contracts for more sgs

    1 october 2019 10:43 1628

    i dont like the minigames bro haha it is to fking hard

    1 october 2019 10:44 1628

    I guess, thank you

    1 october 2019 10:45 1628

    i don't like minigames it's too hard

    1 october 2019 11:04 1628

    I think it's learnable, but if it doesn't give you SG, why not go play somewhere else? or something else

    1 october 2019 11:11 1628

    Appzone is the best way to get 100 SG per 24 hours. I recommend you checking out.

    1 october 2019 15:13 1628

    Also, mini games are not really worth playing. They're hard and you won't be able to earn much.

    1 october 2019 15:14 1628

    Mini games are rigged not worth your time

    1 october 2019 15:19 1628

    You need to wait up to 72 hours until you will get your soul gems as a reward you'll have to be patient if you want to use this method I would personally recommend doing contracts and tasks!

    1 october 2019 15:34 1628

    I hope I was able to help answer your questions remember the misty has customer support if you aren't able to find an answer!

    1 october 2019 15:35 1628

    The wizard game is the only one that gives SG. The others are rigged to kill you easily and not give you SG

    1 october 2019 15:36 1628

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