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    Lost xp for not even spamming..

    I read all the threads and answered them as correct as possible

    19 august 2019 12:25 1628

    So that's 1 xp, when you post a comment ? I've been wondering that for quite some time, but never found or got any answer.

    EDIT : Also, yeah, I lost xp like that as well when I started to talk in the forum. I still have no idea what were the threads I commented on that could have been considered as spam, I guess I just wasn't paying much attention yet, but in any case, now that I stopped leaving comments on spam threads like that, I've never lost xp again (meaning "for the last 2-3 weeks or so" I guess. Whatever, few weeks rather than months are even years is accurate enough).

    19 august 2019 17:54 1628

    Oh, thanks for the info @pavel_hristov,
    guess it's best to avoid spam threads

    20 august 2019 07:23 1628

    Why it always

    20 august 2019 08:06 1628


    20 august 2019 08:06 1628

    You can't comment that often

    20 august 2019 08:06 1628

    To comment you have to be logged in!

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