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Fallout 76 Good or bad?

intivd avatar


August 12, 2019 at 06:44 PM

Fallout 76.

A game that has been around for a while now, but the question still remains if it is a good game or not?
This game has had bugs and crashes from the start (Beta end Launch) even now we still see alot of bugs and most people give up on the game.
But fallout 76 still has millions of players, and an active comunity. So why do these players not give up on the game?
I think that is because the same reason i still play it.


I still play it because the game is just fun to play. Sure it has alot of bugs but that doesn't make it a bad game.
The gameplay is not perfect but what game has the perfect gameplay for every player? I personaly like the 76 gameplay,
next to that the worldspace is huge and has alot to explore.
But one of the biggest problems with the game is that no human npc's exist. Quests now go trough holotapes, terminal, robots and notes.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor fallout 76 gamemodes
Bethesda however has a big fix for this, the wastelanders dlc is supposed to have Npc's meaning that only the bugs remain as a big problem and this dlc might add alot more than what will be fixed before it comes out. But that can be resolved if they go trough with the idea of test servers.
With all that said, i think personaly that this game is getting beter and beter, there is alot of content and even more in the future net to that it looks like Bethesda is getting better and quicker at fixing their stuff. 
Fallout 76 is still a few years away from becomming perfect but i think we will get there.

So far Bethesda has been very active on fallout 76 even when they got so much backlash. And a game with developers that won't give up even when it was already such a disaster at first, that realy makes it a rare game. Also this way developers are even more open to input from the comunity, and bethesda was already very active in the comunity.

But let's get back to the game it self.
So it's a good game (in my opinion) if you look at gameplay.
but what about the other things?

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor atomic shop
Lets start with the slightly bigger things: the atomic shop.
The atomic shop has alot of potential, they show alot of small but fun content, the only problem is the price... It's just to expensive and it's just getting worse: less free atoms and higher prices. This means you will be forced to buy with RL money to get all the new items in the shop.

Another thing is the different gamemodes.
Fallout 76 is not only the first official  online fallout, it is also the first fallout with different gamemodes.
So far we have: Adventure - Survival - Nuclear witnter and an upcomming gamemode that will include the human npc's (wastelanders dlc)
this bring alot more options to the game.

With all that said. everyone still has to chose for him/her self if this is a good game,
i hope that this article help you make a desision if you want to buy the game or not, or even chose to come back when the wastelanders dlc is out.

Now that all of that is out of the way.
What does this mean for the next fallout game? Bethesda already said it would be singleplayer, but will it take over some new mechanics from Fallout 76?
And will they finaly be able to get an other engine? And will they focus on Gameplay quality - Story quality or Texture quality?

RoyalAnonym avatar


August 12, 2019 at 07:57 PM

It is a very interesting but good game so buy it :100: ;)

InfernalCrow avatar


August 12, 2019 at 08:14 PM

Thanks, nice recomendation

Azkunki avatar


August 12, 2019 at 09:35 PM

Liking a game doesn't make it good either ;) (this is true for anything, of course)
I'm not saying this is a bad game though. I don't know whether it's good or not since I never played it or even saw anyone playing it (only saw people saying this game was bad, but I don't even remember why they were saying that. Not that we could say they were bringing real arguments anyway, I think). But the point is that you can't say "everyone still has to chose for him/her self if this is a good game" : "How good or bad something is" is a matter of objective arguments (meaning that it's easily very hard to know if something is good or bad, as we need to define what "good" and "bad" is, which can lead to lively debates), while "How I like or dislike something" is personal opinion, and an opinion is subjective ;)

medo_2006 avatar


August 12, 2019 at 11:45 PM

good nicegood nice

solom201 avatar


August 13, 2019 at 02:54 AM

A Dope Game Great Visuals And Fun Play

j13jim13 avatar


August 13, 2019 at 04:51 AM

i heard a lot of bad things about the game. is it really that bad?

sshuume avatar


August 13, 2019 at 05:13 AM

yeehaw partner

Guyofthewise avatar


August 13, 2019 at 05:52 AM

I mean... compared to what it was at launch, it's good.

Sollon avatar


August 13, 2019 at 06:38 AM

сложно не поиграв самому, сказать хорошая игра или нет

ace_villagonza_rsell avatar


August 13, 2019 at 10:36 AM

guyz can u give me some exp

benny_trng avatar


August 13, 2019 at 11:30 AM

so bad

gaxt avatar


August 13, 2019 at 01:04 PM

i dont have it

23097186 avatar


August 13, 2019 at 01:35 PM

so bad i dont have

Skyville89 avatar


August 13, 2019 at 02:12 PM

I’m not surprised by this: I’ve played too many online games in their first weeks to expect perfection out of the gate. Fallout 76 is unique in one troubling way, however: Post-launch developer support has managed to make many of these problems even worse.

The future of Fallout 76 depends on ongoing improvements to its current, broken state, but with every patch, Bethesda continues to move in the wrong direction.

I’m not sure how Bethesda is going to fix the game, to put it bluntly. And it’s becoming less clear whether Bethesda itself has an effective plan for how such a thing might be possible.

KinkyKimke avatar


August 13, 2019 at 03:47 PM

It's an ok game but nowhere near fallout 4,3 and New Vegas.

kolekoe avatar


August 13, 2019 at 05:16 PM

I like it, look very better than fl 3 but fl 4 is very good too

Benshapure avatar


August 14, 2019 at 12:49 AM

it aint that bad

solom201 avatar


August 14, 2019 at 06:43 AM

not bad game go and play it and buy

BeastHypers avatar


August 16, 2019 at 07:31 PM

hmmmmmm i'm just gonna say its a ok game

DODO00007 avatar


August 16, 2019 at 08:36 PM

j to moc dobrá hra robux

supz_lee avatar


August 17, 2019 at 07:56 AM

Fallout 76 is a must have for all those who love the fallout franchise!
I was unsure at first but after getting it, I don't regret it

deadleg21 avatar


August 17, 2019 at 08:45 AM

Reviews are very mixed. not a jump in and play game

bluezonex9 avatar


August 17, 2019 at 09:51 AM

Bought recently, played twice...and the feeling of not knowing what i have to do is actually meh but so far it's a nice game. The only thing i can't stand are glitches and bugs....and i seriously hope Bethesda will fix ALL of them and not just a bunch like it happened with Skyrim. I had to close the game because there's a bug that can't make u collect items from enemies. Yesterday there was the one who couldn't get me logged in (timeout from servers even if they were all online and well) for a while and one or 2 disconnections.

I got the game despite all the bad news and i noticed the devs patched A LOT and made it at least playable. Hopefully it will be a perfect game in the near future.

smokingun1978 avatar


August 18, 2019 at 11:35 AM

Honestly, I liked it for what it was: a multiplayer Fallout game with stuff you can can do solo and things that take a group, if you're lucky to find one, but thats the case with most MMOs. This just happens to be 1st/3rd person with little to no human npcs( which in my opinion would think to be normal considering the time period). I only played it for a couple of days thanks to a free weekend. Had a blast, just wish I could afford it lol.

Fallout 76 Good or bad? - From users Forum on Gamehag