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    Anyone getting any redeemed rewards since last week?

    I have two rewards pending since last week: a game from the summer chest (premium key) and a prepaid I redeemed myself. I think I have at least contacted the support about this through Trustpilot, though I haven't got any response since then. I won't be complaining if the free key is delivered in a matter of minutes like usual and I'm asking if any of you guys redeemed or got something since last week, do you get your rewards? It's been too long to be honest and I'm only grabbing my last reward before leaving the site for good.

    2 august 2019 09:07 1628

    Yes I just got my key for the game: PSYCHONAUTS (Summer chest V - Premium steam CD key) some days ago without any problems or delay!

    2 august 2019 09:15 1628

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