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    How it works

    What game is this? I've never heard of it.

    I don't know what this game is, or even how to pronounce it's name.

    1 august 2019 22:34 2173

    I wouldn't really say it's a game, I would say it's more of a platform that has games. Roblox is a platform that allows to create your own games and play other peoples games. Some games are really impressive and I recommend checking out roblox and viewing what other people have to offer. and for pronounciations, Just search it up on yt or something.

    2 august 2019 09:07 2173

    It's a platform full of games (mostly copies of actual games) made by users with the programing code lua. I actually came to this site because of the stupid thing everyone keeps begging for "robux" and since I've actually bought "robux" I realized how worthless it is and quit the platform when the games became boring :)

    3 august 2019 08:44 2173

    Roblox is a game where you either create games or you play games.

    3 august 2019 11:27 2173

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