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    Steam game key trade with SG.

    Hello dear users, I trade with 2 steam keys and these are: Smash Team and Reroll: Back to the throne. These together amount to $ 2. Who is willing to take the price for these 2 key is 500SG. Give me a message if you want them.

    2 july 2019 12:30 1628

    yes, i need Soul Gems and of the two #SUMMER trunks dropped Steam key and I need something.

    2 july 2019 19:28 1628

    let’s be honest. If you were in my place, would you accept this offer ? Giving 500 SG to a person who gives 2 horrible games or maybe even lies and just steals SG without giving anything...

    2 july 2019 23:28 1628

    That's right, they're horrible and I can ask for more than it's worth, but you're still doing something with the two games if you want to add me to friends and let's talk

    2 july 2019 23:35 1628

    @Dav0o7 wish we had a seperate middle man for things like trading even if that middle man took 10 percent sgs for that purpose from the seller :(

    8 july 2019 04:35 1628

    tbh if they're two horrible games then they're not really worth the 500 SG, I don't think anybody'd be up for that offer

    8 july 2019 10:32 1628

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