• Anmelden Registrieren

    SJ sammeln



    So funktioniert's

    screenshot not approved

    Hi, I am not sure why my screenshot was not accepted, I have therefore uploaded another one that shows a regular Tier 2 ship I have played with. If needed, I can also provide proof that the account in question is indeed a newly created one. I hope this is helpful

    12 März 2019 01:23 89

    I got the same Probleme...
    Did one Match with the Tier 2 Ship and did a Screenshot 2 times... where you can see played 1 match with the Tier 2 Ship

    12 März 2019 07:57 89

    Hmm, odd, I guess someone will look at it again and eventually we'll be able to work it all out. It's just strange that this sort of thing happens so often :(

    12 März 2019 14:41 89

    Yes, I uploaded a screenshot showing my matching screen-name and the ships I owned, then it was accepted :) Do make sure that your WoWS in-game name is literally the same as it is on Gamehag (and of course register your game account through the gamehag-link and youo should be fine :) Are you having a similar problem?

    27 März 2019 13:49 89

    I got the same Probleme...

    17 Juni 2019 12:04 89

    same problem

    3 Mai 2020 23:08 89

    ye i got the same problem

    7 Mai 2020 20:34 89

    If some one else in your house is using this site, it will count as a second gamehag acc

    9 Juni 2020 09:41 89

    same problem

    30 Juli 2020 10:25 89

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