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    Nausham Flag mv

    6 years ago


    Nausham badge
    Nausham avatar
    New York








    Nausham badge
    Nausham avatar
    7 years ago

    This is a guide on how to be a good zhin player in paladins
    Zhin is one of the best champions for a solo carry 
    he can dosh out a lot of damage to enemy champions and is also very good at killing frontline champions
    firstly lets go over his skills
    This is his normal left click attack which deals 450 damage on the first 2 hits and does 700 damage on the third hit

    This is his Right click ability where he goes in to a counter mode and reflect the incoming damage from enemy champions for a while
    this ability have a normal cooldown of 7 seconds

    this is his button Q ability. he turns in to smoke and can not be attacked by enemy champions for a short duration
    this ability is good to use when you are at low health

    this is his button F ability. where he spins forward and deal 400 damage
    how ever this can be used vertically which means you wont be able to hit it with an ememy on high platform

    This is his ultimate ability where he launch forward with many attacks which deal about 2000 damage to an enemy 
    but you can miss an enemy if you dont aim at him so beware

    Now lets check his legendaries
    his first one is Guillotine
    which is the default legendary you get when you buy zhin
    this ability can increase the dmage of your ultimate but this is also the weakest zhin legendary

    now the next two legendaries can help you change the outcome of a match
    Smolder: this legendary lets you heal 60% of your health wile in billow which means if you are at low health you can go into billow and regain health and start to fight this is extremely usefull in many situations
     Retailation: Many people dont use this legendary because they dont know what it does. this is actually one of the best legendaries in game as normally zhin can counter once but with this legendary u can counter as much as u want during the duration counter is actve
    which may lead to many  fun kills like when rukus uses ultimate you can go infront of him and kill him 

    Now lets see how to build a deck acording to your legendary
    For smolder the best cards would be to reduce cooldown and increase the movement speed and duration of billow

    For Retaliation it would be better to increase the duration and reduce the cooldown
    Now for the reason why you dont need smolder 
    there is a card for counter which heals you for 400 per counter whihc means if the enemy is attacking you while in counter you can deal damage and heal your self

    But in the end its up to you to chose a legendary to fit your play style 
    Good Luck and see you in the battlefield

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    7 years ago
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    7 years ago

    ALT0C-L6LJC-N7LLY first person to get it wins :)

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    idk maybe

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    is this game as good as people never say

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    评论的话题 is this game good.
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    i wanted to know if this game is good

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    7 years ago

    hey man

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    nice man 😬

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