April 25, 2019 at 03:00 PM
In my opinion players in blind hates when you do not take an standarts supp or jg. Tell me your opinion about this fact
April 29, 2019 at 12:12 AM
i dont dude hope you fined your answer
May 2, 2019 at 01:19 AM
Just don't think about it. I mean I guess people usually think in lower elo the best champ what they are recommend. If you can play well with this champ and ALSO if you play as supp and you can help your adc or if you play as jg and you can help your team properly, then this champ was good in your hand and the team won't flame you, they won't be toxic.
BUT if you play as supp and pick for example Nasus, then I guess the team will report you , because trolling. It would be true, because Nasus doesn't work as support, but you can pick full ap zilean, which is also not normal support, and give yoöur adc some kills, you also take some kills and its good. Just don't do any fault, that I mean if you won't give kills to your adc, if you have the best stat, but lose the game is also bad, so make a balanc of it.
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