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    Прокомментировал эту тему The Flash Season 1 Review .
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    Thank you for these comments. So would you guys want a season 2 article. I have a plan of reviewing all 5 seasons. But I want to know if people like them first :)

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    Прокомментировал эту тему The Flash Season 1 Review .
    5 лет назад

            The Green arrow is one of the greatest shows I have ever seen on the CW, was what I use to say. In Season 2 of the Green Arrow they Introduced Barry Allen or if you aren’t smart, The Flash. This led to the TV show The Flash on the CW. This is one of my most favorite TV shows in the history of tv shows. I enjoy nearly every season. The one I don’t enjoy is the one I am going to talk about today. This is, the Flash Season 1 Review.

    Topic 1: The Suit


          Now don’t get me wrong, I looooove The Flash. But I don’t like what he looks like in the first season. I understand that they were starting out with the suits and that's why it had the stuff like the red around the lightning instead of the white. But its just the fact that it looks really weird and I don’t really have a real reason. Its mainly just the fact that there is zero amount of white on his suit and all the other suits contained white on it. Other than that, I like it. The same with the other suits, they contain white and I love them. But this review isn’t just going to be about things I don’t like, we are going to talk about the great stuff. So lets check it out.

    Topic 2: The Powers


           Now we need to talk about the powers that he had in the show. The stuff that Barry learns in the show is being taught by Harrison Wells a lot of the time and I will explain why that is later if you haven’t seen the show. Now besides super speed, he was able to do a super sonic  punch which he used on his former bully, hands spinning so fast it makes wind which he uses to put out fire, running on water which was used to my knowledge only one time in the whole show, running through time which I don’t want to mention how many times that was used, and the vibrating hand which was used by the main villain of this season. Now I forgot to mention how Barry Allen got speed and I think it was good to say it here because its the origin of his powers. So Harrison Wells started the Particle accelerator, and it fails which causes multiple people to gain super powers. Barry got struck by lightning and he fell into a coma, when he woke up, he got super powers and can now run faster than the speed of sound. He is Sonic the Hedgehog!

    Topic 3: The bad guys/bad girls 


            Before we go to the big bad, we have to go through the other bads. I don’t like the other bads. The only one that I actually liked was the Trickster which was played by the one and only Mark Hamill. If you don’t know who Mark Hamill is, he played Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy. But other than that, I didn’t really enjoy the other villains. There was a guy that turned into steel which is just colossus from x men, a guy who can clone himself, a guy who use to work with the Team Flash, and plenty others, but I don’t like them really. The later season characters like in Season two and four are really interesting. Season 2 added a completely other dimension of villains which gave us cool looking villains with cool looking powers. Like the atom smasher. But that is for another day, we need to get to the main villain of the season. 

    Topic 4: The Reverse Flash

          SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT: Dr Harrison Wells, the man we knew and loved for the season the whole time was the main bad of the first season. If you don’t know the origins of the Reverse Flash, I will explain. So Dr Harrison Wells is not really called Harrison Wells, his real name is Eobard Thawne. He is a man from the future that is a fan of the flash. So what he did was he recreated the particle accelerator and he got hit just like Barry did. But he wasn’t just like Barry, he was different. He knew that he was never going to be just like The Flash. He created his own speed force. The negative speed force. His plan was to kill Barry Allen’s mom and that is what he did. That is what led to all of these events.


          Unfortunately Barry defeats him Thawne at the end of the season with Oliver Queen or as we know him as the Green Arrow, and Fire Storm, another good guy that was really cool looking. After the particle accelerator, Reverse Flash wanted to go back home but he couldn’t. Barry was able to help him get home by going back in time and saving his mother, and he didn’t do it. He was about to be killed by the Reverse Flash but Thawnes ancestor Eddie kills himself which meant that Thawne never exists. And that was the sum of the Reverse Flash for just season one. 


        So the Flash Season 1, it wasn’t the best. I do believe that my favorite season was the second one which will be the next review you will most likely see from me. The first season to me was just very slow, very bland, and didn’t have much that I enjoyed. I loved Mark Hamill as the trickster, I loved the Reverse Flash, and I loooove Cisco making movie references and quips. But other than all of those, I don’t enjoy much of the first season of The Flash. 

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