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    Прокомментировал эту тему what is the best ship?.
    4 года назад

    There is no 'best ship'.
    Each nation during WWII took different approaches.
    Some were strong, some had big guns, some wanted speed.

    For example, the Atlanta is a lightweight cruiser. VERY fast fire rate. Rains down fire like nothing else. But has very little armor and a citadel that is easy to reach (weak structure). So you can lob shots out, just dont be a target :)

    Then you have some battleships that are extremely strong. Guns aren't great, but you can drive straight into the heart of a battle, take a beating, disrupt the other side's plans, and still come out alive. Bruiser ships.

    And if you want to have some crazy fun, some of the single fire Tier 1 ships are great. Our clan would just go play those, took skills to have a single torp or slow shooting guns (post WWI)

    Best reviewer online is "white mouse". She writes amazing reviews and critiques of ships.

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    Прокомментировал эту тему Is it a good game?.
    4 года назад

    I started playing on the Nvidia virtual machines. I'm on OSX and they use a wine wrapper around their Windows binary. It played well for me for a long while (I own level 9 ships).

    Had a blast, made some good friends. Then when the forced switch to 32bit binaries came along, well, the game became unplayable for me. Disappointing. I had a lot invested in the game, both time and $$$.

    Someone mentioned the draconian rules. I agree. I've had short bans because their servers went down, disconnecting everyone and we all had temp bans for dropping out of games. There really is no appeal. You can submit an appeal, but they are like NEVER overturned.

    The graphics are great, game play is great. They were just adding submarines when the updates came out that broke stuff so can't comment on that.

    Great game ruined by terrible administration. :(

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