2 года назад
To be honest, my experience is that gamehag will often reject your "quests" due to unknown reasons. I have completed 6 quests in a little over a week but found only 2 were accepted on the first try. 2 got accepted after I reached to customer service, and other 2 were rejected even though I reached out to customer service. When rejected they would say "the system" rejected them and recommended not to have any AdBlock, cheating software, a previous account with developer, etc. They do not give you a specific reason for why it was rejected and they recommend you to do the task again (apply here Einstein's definition of insanity). This annoyed me because I put in quite a bit of time and don't use cheating software (defintely not for gamehag games). I do have AdBlock in my browser but I don't see how that would affect games you have installed in the laptop as an app or mobile phone apps since those ads would not get blocked. I think they likely pull out a list of what's installed on your machine (privacy red flags, anyone?) and look for anything they consider negative software, regardless of whether it was actually being used while playing the game.
Anyhow, I don't recommend it unless you want to risk getting rejected after putting in hours and hours of playing stupid games (because they are not even good games). Good luck!!