7 лет назад
League of Legends is a team based moba (multiplayer online battle arena) game. The game has over 130 champions which are all unique and strong in different ways. There are seven roles in the game (assassin, fighter, mage, marksman, support, tank).
The game plays in mainly one arena called "The Summoner's Rift". There are 3 lanes in this map and a jungle. There's top, middle and bottom lane. Theese lanes require different type of champions to play at. Top lane usually has tank, fighter type champions. Mid has usually assassins and mages and Bot has support and tank role champions in the side of their marksman which are refered to as an adc. ![](/img/uploaded/7gfckCPva4wmmEMz1xctAkRetqvJrX.jpg)
The job of the roles:
Like in every game in there are different jobs for every role in League. The assassin's job is to kill the least tanky enemy in the enemy team, like the marksman, mage, or the other assassin. Fighter's are tanky, usually ad based champions who can engage team fights like a tank while dealing serious damage to the enemy team. Mage's role is really close to the marksman's their job is to deal damage at the back of the line, but while a mage deals damage with it's spells, the marksman kills with auto attacks. Support is the role that a lot of the players don't like playing, because it's a no glory role, whenever you do a sick play as a support no one will recognise it and give a compliment, but this role is very important in the game it's job is to heal, defend it's team from the back, or the front line (depends if it's a healer/shielder support or a tank support). The tank champions job is to cc (crowd control) the enemy team, engage in team fight and tank for their team.
If you want to start the game I recommend starting with a low mechanic champion like Jax, Xin'Zhao or Master Yi (these are some examples there are more). Because you don't need to concentrate on using their spells, so you can concentrate on playing the game. Later on when you will have a little game sense you can start playing harder mechanical champions (like Azir, Lee Sin, Vayne).
It's just a short thread about the game, hope you liked it, if you want more of it tell me.