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    Sobre o jogo Time to be hero

    It's time to become a Hero! In this browser game you will become a savior who must protect the city from various threats. Do not worry, although the first moments may seem difficult, but You have advisers who are ready to help or give a new task at each moment. You start, of course, with simple monsters, like boars and bears, defeating them, you earn gold, you will get new items, and of course you grow in strength! Over the time, you also will get masks that make you look like and give you the power of the monsters you have killed. In addition, there is an opportunity to fight in the Arena with other heroes with a similar level, and by beating them you you will get higher rank! The game has so many possibilities that it’s hard to tell everything, you have to explore it yourself. The battle system is intuitive and after the first battle the player will know exactly what to do. The graphics and music is gloomy, but this makes the game more climatic. Do not wait, conquer the world as a hero now!

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    E que por escrever sozinho um artigo, podes conseguir até 250Soulstone?

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    Opiniões sobre Time to be hero

    So queria ganhar minhas gemas

    25 january 2019 00:18

    nunca vi esse jogo?

    19 february 2019 15:45

    que jogo é esse?

    2 february 2019 10:04

    Time to be pinto

    26 february 2019 23:31

    Prémios por Time to be hero

    Atualmente não temos nenhum prémio para Time to be hero. Verifica os nossos outros prémios

    Artigos sobre Time to be hero

    Este jogo não tem nenhum artigo.

    Sabias que podes ganhar Gemas de Alma por avaliar artigos de outros usuários?
    E que por escrever sozinho um artigo, podes conseguir até 250Soulstone?

    Escreve um artigo

    Fórum Time to be hero

    Últimos comentários

    So queria ganhar minhas gemas

    25 january 2019 00:18

    nunca vi esse jogo?

    19 february 2019 15:45

    que jogo é esse?

    2 february 2019 10:04

    Time to be pinto

    26 february 2019 23:31