魂の石をSteam Wallet top-ups、ゲームキー、CS:GOスキン、そして他の報酬と交換することができます。
I really love this game, I even stopped playing CSGO :p
Here is a direct link anyway -_-
@cmeciu_cosmin Where did you pull that BS from?
youtu.be is a domain owned and used by Youtube to shorten video links -_- go to any Youtube video and click on Share, a Box will pop out with the short link to the video .
Calling the ediot who did that report an expert, what a joke.
for those new here and wwho are still skeptical here is me cashing my first STEAM WALLET earned from Gamehag https://youtu.be/mcxA6KUqNhE Sorry for the bad quality of the video, I'm new to this. If you could suggest a good screen recording program it'll be much appreciated.
Complete contracts on the Wall Of Terror.
Take a bunch of'em the same time, because most of these are city buillders and you'll have to wait sometimes for a building upgrade or resource build up or some other process to finish, use that time to advance in towards the completion of multiple tasks for multiple contracts.
Don't forget to take screenshots everywhere every minute and always think of a way you can prove that it really is your screenshots when claiming your credit. If you don't know what to do just ask, in the forums, w'll gladly help.
When choosing a character name or any other names , use your email name whenever you can.
After you complete the task, go claim your credits. Go down the Wall Of Terror and click on "Do you have any issues with your task? Click here". You'll be redirected to a page where you can see all the contracts you started , now click on the button next to your completed task, in the new page, provide your Email address and send a report of completion, just write something like "i've completed the contract, I'm waiting for my credits". Go to your Email Box, you'll recieve almost instantaneously an Email asking for proof of completion, now respond with the screenshots you took. If your screenshots are good, you'll receive an Email in less than 24h saying your task has been accepted, and your SGS won't take long after that.
LoL may be I should've killed a freind :p your link IS IN ENGLISH , now try this one
@dracindo lol you're right, but I actually don't do this for gain, I just find it challenging and entertaining otherwise If it was just for the game I would've bought it, I have a decent job (thank you God), but WINNING IS FUN :
That's weird!! here is what I read from the post :
"Mamy dla Was konkurs! Co musisz zrobić
- wrzucasz zdjęcie swojego gamingowego setupu!
- oznaczasz kogoś, kto ma gorszy sprzęt! W jaki sposób wyłaniani są zwycięzcy
- musisz zdobyć jak najwięcej like pod swoim zdjęciem Co jest do wygrania
I miejsce: klucz do CS:GO
II miejsce: 2500 KD
III miejsce: 1500KD
Do kiedy trwa konkurs Do poniedziałku 02.10.2017r.
To co? Do dzieła! Powodzenia!
ekipa Gamehag!
(skoro jesteś takim bananem, nagroda wędruje do osoby którą oznaczyłeś)"
Now bear with a bit longer this is funny I used facebook translation down the the post and here is what I got in French :
Nous avons un concours pour vous ! ce que tu dois faire
- vous avez mis une photo de vos jeux setupu !
- tu vas tuer quelqu'un qui a de pires affaires ! comment sont les gagnants
- tu dois en avoir autant que possible sous ta photo. Qu'est-ce que gagner
Et place : Clé à CS:GO
II lieu : 2500 DK
III lieu : 1500 DK
À quand le concours Jusqu'au lundi 02.10.2017
Et alors ? Allons-y ! bonne chance !
Équipe D'équipe !
(si vous êtes une banane, le prix va à la personne que vous avez identifiée)
" It's pretty messed up but I could understand I had to post a picture first, and then I HAD TO KILL A FREIND WHO HAS WORST BUISINESS I thought this part was a joke while it's actually the "tag a freind" part. The end note translates to this "If you are a banana , the price goes to the person you have identified"
How messed up is that ?!
@Steamburnerdutch glad you understood. Anyway, why doesn't the admins post in English ? It would be great and more people can join .
@AgRoTheLeGeNd LoL we're just talking :p
Have a good day all of you.
If you weren't such an idiot I would've introduced you to each and everyone of'em , go back to the post and see at what time I posted the picture, If you didn't see it then you must be blind, or just because the comments are filtered by region -_- , The kid here is the one trolling for xp , i've got work to do tomorrow , good night.
@michel_phels The fake likes were not mine idiot -_- and it seems you didn't bother seeing the other picture and compare it -_-
@Steamburnerdutch I'm not sorry I lost , I'm just enraged about the way I lost , Only a total moron would try to win by adding this amount of Likes (400)! and In one second! AND at the last moment while he was already top of the list!!!
@line_madson a competition held by Gamehag , you should go to the official facebook page from time to time
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