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I'm mainly a Kha'Zix main, and I will teach you how to play with him in a correct way. Here, on Gamehag there is only a few LoL tutorials, so I thought I should make some. Please ratethis article, so I'll know how my first LoL article is.
First of all, Kha'Zix is one of the best snowballing assasins and he has lots of different playstyles. So if you want to climb higher and love playing in jungle, you have to start playing Kha'Zix since he's the perfect solo carry champion in League. But if this isn't foe you, you can just read something about him so you'll know his strengh. Hope you like it ;)
Kha´Zix Pros & Cons
Evolve order?
Q is always the first, it helps you in wave clear and 1v1. Then usually W or E (if you ae fed), or R if you like his stealthing playstyle.
Mainly E and R are the evoulutions that can get countered.
E evolve is getting countered by cc, such as Poppy´s W, Veigar´s E or Janna´s Q and R while R evolve is getting countered by champions who can reveal stealth, such as Lee sin with his Q and E or Twisted Fate with his R.
If you are against some of these champions you might want to evolve in a different way that you usually do :)
Runes, Items
I recommend Electrocute or Dark Harvest, but you can also choose Conqueror.

Jungle path early game
After reset go to Krugs and afterwards raptors
You always wanna go for ganks if they are free over clearing a jungle camp
Tips & Tricks for Kha Zix
Bonus tip: Animation cancel on W after you have landed with e
How to gank as Kha Zix?

(don't go directly, aim for the way he'll use for escape)
Try to gank laners who has cc, since kha´zix has no cc in his kit except one little slow in his passive
If enemy laner has flash up:
Try to come up behind the enemy laner Go in auto attack with passive for slow Use Q on the enemy to burst USe R to become invisible and reset your passive and then auto attack to proc your passive extra damage and slow again (do this twice, combined with your R and Q) Use W while in close range of the enemy to gain heal back Use E after enemy flashed to keep on being in range with Q and auto attack
If enemy laner doesn´t have flash up:
Use E to instantly be in range of the enemy Use Q and Auto attacks for damage USe R to become invisible and reset your passive and then auto attack to proc your passive extra damage and slow again (do this twice, combined with your R and Q) Use W while in close range to gain heal back In teamfights, your job is to assasinate the enemy carry (adc or mid laner) so enemy won't have enough to win the fight. Or other thing is before teamfight you maybe catch someone in the jungle and kill him, making the next teamfight unfair.
That's all for now, I hope I could show you something new, if you are interested in LoL tutorials, rate this article and comment, that's how you can let me know it. :)