Cuisine Royale is a humorous free battle royale game. Seemingly, it is a classic representative of this genre - the map decreases, and players struggle with each other until only one of them is alive.
What makes this production unique is definitely humor, manifesting mainly in the type of equipment available. Traditional armor and combat weapon has been replaced here with everyday kitchen equipment. So we have strainers instead of helmets and pans or kitchen knives instead of traditional weapons.
The developers also ensure that the game is characterized by the fairest lootbox system, offering free chests with appropriately marked content.
tiene una toque de parecido al PUBG pero mas que ser una copia parece una inspiracion que copia
es un juego muy divertido y chido es el mejor de todos es super genial y divertido puedo jugar con amigos
me gusta la forma en la que se mueve los personajes le daria un 8/10
que tiene de diferente a los demar battle royale del mercado?
el juego es raro pero me gusta bastante pero que bastante