R2 Online is a beautiful game with juicy graphics, in which character developing very quickly. At the beginning of the way you are practically naked, you have neither armor nor weapons, but during the game you will try a huge number of different items, learn different skills and upgrade them. In this game there is an opportunity to pump your own skill tree - from level 11 you will get points for each level, which can be exchanged for skills. The guild also has a tree of skills that shakes the entire guild. Together with the guild you will go to the siege and conquer control points. The world of R2 is divided into 3 islands: on the island of beginners you will appear by choosing the path of Assassin, Knight or Ranger. And stay on it till level 11. 2nd island - Acre island. Mages and Summoners appear on it. By reaching level 11, you have the choice to go to the main island or to stay, but Acre is much more dangerous than the island of beginners. The main island is where all sooner or later go. This is a huge island with lots of multi-level dungeons. Starting the game has a choice of 5 classes: Knight Assassin Summoner Ranger Magician