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    Nex Flag pl

    2 years ago


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    opened Steam Daily Chest and won 5 Soul Gems.
    5 years ago
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    opened Weekly Chest and won Mannaz Rune.
    5 years ago
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    コメントした件名 Czy ta strona to nie jest scam?.
    5 years ago

    Działa, dostałem swoje 750 rp i fallouta 3 :)

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    5 years ago

    Musisz mieć pojęcie o gankach i martwic się o mid-bot, jesli top feeduje nie marnuj na to czasu.

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    コメントした件名 JG SUP CZY BOT.
    5 years ago

    Jungle jest teraz most important w gierkach

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    コメントした件名 Postacie do wyjścia z silvera.
    5 years ago

    Moim zdaniem do tego może się nadać Trundle, bo jest w opór prosty i ma duży dmg do carry'owania.

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    5 years ago

    Moim zdaniem wypuszczają teraz same skomplikowane postacie

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    5 years ago

    Gram w Ironsight

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    コメントした件名 co sądzicie o sylasie?.
    5 years ago

    Spodziewam się nerfa patrząc na wcześniejsze wydania championów

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    opened Winter Mobile Chest and won Mannaz Rune.
    5 years ago
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    opened Steam Daily Chest and won 1 Soul Gem.
    5 years ago
    Nex badge
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    opened Steam Daily Chest and won 5 Soul Gems.
    5 years ago
    Nex badge
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    opened Steam Daily Chest and won 5 Soul Gems.
    5 years ago
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    報酬を受け取りました- Fallout 3 GOTY.
    5 years ago
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    5 years ago

    Dobry artykuł

    Nex badge
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    opened December Chest and won Mannaz Rune.
    5 years ago
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    He took part in a giveaway Battlefield V PC GLOBAL | SOULCALIBUR VI PC GLOBAL | Life is Strange 2 PC GLOBAL |
    5 years ago
    Nex badge
    Nex avatar
    opened Steam Daily Chest and won Fehu Rune.
    5 years ago
    Nex badge
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    opened Novice's Chest and won Unstoppable Hamster.
    5 years ago
    Nex badge
    Nex avatar
    タスクをコンプリートしました: League of Angels III.
    5 years ago



    World of Tanks

    World of Tanks is an online MMO game which allows players to take part in huge tank battles. A very important aspect of the game is the ability of cooperation since the victory depends not only on you but also on an entire party of allied tanks!It isn’t only a typical shooter, but in addition to that, a strategic game while the ...


    One of the most popular economic strategy browser games. Ikariam puts us in place of an ancient ruler, slowly developing his empire from, initially, a small Greek village. Obviously, as for every strategy game, we need resources, in which will be based our economy. Through them we can expand our buildings, make an army and slowl...

    Desert Operations

    Desert Operations is among the most famous browser strategy games. Lead a country and develop it, in order to become a power. Make alliances with other players and together attack, declare wars and become invincible! Take care of your economy, develop your army in order to acquire even better units and defend yourself against ot...

    Wargame 1942

    Wargame 1942 is a browser game set during the World War 2! So it means that the player is a participant of one of the biggest wars of this world. Everything depends of the decisions you’ll make. Just like in other strategy games, the player received a city at his disposal, which has to be expanded. It is really important to acqu...

    Metin 2

    Metin 2 is a quite popular example of a free-to-play MMORPG game. We can choose between five different character classes: a Sura, a Shaman, a Warrior, a Ninja and a Lycan. Each of them is characterized by his own gameplay; however they’re doing very well in various combinations as a team. The Warrior, which is the epitome of gre...

    +2500 +5500

    War Thunder

    私たちが戦争ゲームやタンクゲームの人気を見たときに、似たようなテーマとメカニックを持つゲームが有名な出版社に対してチャンスを生かせるかどうかを確かめなければなりません。 しかし、彼らはできるでしょう。 そして、このロシアのゲーム「War Thunder」がさまざまな点でWoTに勝利したため、チャンスを逃すことはありません。最初はユニットのタイプを選択できます。軍隊の場合は、米国、ドイツ、ソ連、英国の4つの可能性があります。空軍は私たちに日本の国家を提供します。基本的な車両だけにアクセスできるようにしてゲームを始めるが、熟考された進歩システムのおかげで、その後、より高度なユニットのロックを解除することができます。重い戦車やジェット機(これは、第二次世界大...

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