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    Burti45 Flag ro

    1 year ago


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    コメントした件名 Killing Floor 2, a game about pure fun.
    4 years ago

    Have you ever heard of Killing Floor 2 ?  It's a first person shooter developed and published by Tripwire Interactive.It was released in  2016. It is a sequel to 2009's Killing Floor.


    Long story short, you (and other people, preferably your friends) need to survive in a mutant zombie-apocalypse world.You get access to different guns and perks which can aid your battle against these monsters.Speaking of them, there are tons of them with many different stats and roles.As an example, the Cyst is a common specimen in Killing Floor 2. It is classified as a lesser enemy.Cysts are generally considered to be the weakest specimens in the game, whose only purpose is to distract the player from taking care of the big so-called "ZED'S".The Fleshpound is a giant specimen and it is classified as a large enemy, and is considered to be of extremely high threat. The Fleshpound appears as an extremely muscular and tall figure with many metal plates on it. Most notably, they have a glowing core on their chest, which indicates their level of aggression and pumps adrenaline.
    All in all, the gameplay is just fun, sure it can become boring after long hours, but it can sustain itself.


    The game has been made on the Unreal Engine 3, which is a decent choice.Honestly, I don't think you'll be looking at the graphics that much when tons of "ZED'S" are chasing you.It's got some nice effects that's for sure and some decent textures.
    On the other hand, compared to the original game, its got less maps and less characters.However, they might add even more maps and chars in the near future.


    It's alright, that's all you need to know.The gun sounds are good + some terrifying mutants screams.The soundtrack for Killing Floor 2 was released by Solid State Records on April 21, 2015. It features original compositions by zYnthetic as well as metal tracks from a variety of artists.

    Killing Floor 2 received "generally favorable" . However, like the previous game, negative feedback from the reviewers considered that the lack of any real plot or aim for the players other than killing specimens, the small number of existing maps, and the repetitiveness of the gameplay reduced its replay value.

    Not much could be said, but here's what I could find.

    "Killing Floor 2 takes place in continental Europe, where an outbreak caused by Horizone Biotech has quickly spread and gained unstoppable momentum, destroying the European Union. One month after the events in the original Killing Floor, the specimen clones are everywhere and civilization is in disarray; communications have failed, governments have collapsed, and military forces have been systematically eradicated. The people of Europe didn't know survival and self-preservation too well, and lucky survivors have gone into hiding." 
    (quoting from the Killing Floor 2 wiki)


    Overall, this game is fantastic.It has everything to hold on its two legs, good gameplay and lots of replayability.I'd recommend to grab some friends and experience this astonishing game.

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