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    Possible minigame bug?

    Not sure if it's been asked before, but does anyone here play the minigames here (the sorcerer one to be exact) but got no SG reward? I got around 26K-ish score at the end, though I'm not that good at it so I couldn't beat lvl 3, but I never got any SG. When I restarted the lvl 3 (still losing in that level), the score says 'NaN'. Anyone having the same issue?

    3 april 2019 09:17 1628

    You have to complete the task. But you get only 1 SG so it not the best way to receive SG.

    3 april 2019 10:04 1628

    So I have to win all 3 levels with 25K+ score then? Okay, officially abandoning the SG farming through minigames. I'll stick with the daily ads.

    3 april 2019 10:07 1628

    You can complete the task or just daily login with 5 comments every day. It can be replaced Mini-game.

    3 april 2019 10:09 1628

    I usually don't have time for the tasks, so 105 SG daily from the ads and daily login is pretty much enough for now. Thanks for the answers and tips though.

    3 april 2019 10:11 1628

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