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    About gamehag

    What do u guys tink about it. Is it good and how to get gems

    12 january 2020 17:04 1628

    I don't know, tbh.
    I started yesterday.

    12 january 2020 17:38 1628

    The game is very great in terms of playing, especially when playing with a friend and makes a kind of fun and spend time with it
    However, I find it difficult to play, but overall it is a great game
    I am new, so I hope someone can help me with how to get the "Gems" on this web because I need 500 essentially and it is difficult for me to get it.
    Whoever can give me some of (GMES) I will be appreciated for him and for his help because I am very in need of it

    12 january 2020 18:05 1628

    i kinda dont like how slow it is

    12 january 2020 18:14 1628

    it owuld be better if i didnt have to waste money to get money that is less than the amout i spend

    12 january 2020 18:14 1628

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